In light of April 20th, which I have heard is a date celebrated by cannabis-smoking hippies all over the world, I bring back a little piece of anti-drug advertisement history. You know, just a friendly reminder of how terrible the effects of Marijuana can be without a side of bacon, some toast, and a pile of hash browns:
When are they going to legalize Marijuana anyway? I don't smoke it (often), but I feel like we spend way too much time, money, and human resources trying to stop Marijuana trafficking during this ridiculous and never-ending "war on drugs". Speaking of which, I am pretty convinced that pot would be legalized if only the few million or so people who regularly smoke it could manage to get off the couch, put down the nachos, organize, and rally. Think 1971, people.
Unfortunately for those who do not live in California or Denver and suffer from glaucoma, I hear the government is working on a contract with FOX to ensure that there is a "Cheech and Chong" marathon somewhere on television every April 20th for the next fifty years. Too bad for Ricky Williams!