By now most people know that President Obama's right hand man and recently confirmed Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, is the brother of famous Hollywood
"super agent" Ari Emanuel, the spinster that inspired HBO's television series
Entourage. As most of us also know, Ari Emanuel, or Ari Gould in
Entourage, is portrayed as a relentless Hollywood shark with an equally outlandish and equally perverted personality topped off with more than a dash of brash. And after reading a bit about
the personality of Rahm Emanuel in yesterday's
New York Times article "Obama’s Partisan, Profane Confidant Reins It In", I decided to dig a little deeper into cyberspace in attempt to find more similarities between Rahm and his famously ferocious brother Ari. It turns out there is more to the Emanuel family's business and negotiating success, and
profanity certainly appears in a fuckload of the story's context.
Here's a one insight into the style of Chief of Staff Emanuel, possibly the most
gangster-inspired, or inspiring, politician since Richard Nixon:
At a Clinton victory dinner in Little Rock in 1992, Emanuel celebrated by reciting a hoped-for necrology of Democrats who had "fucked" the president-elect. After every name, he stabbed a steak knife into a table and screamed, "Dead man!"It looks like there's a new sheriff in "Fucknutsville", as COS Rahm would say, and I can't wait for the "first finger"!